
DRACULANGELA #1 - Angel of Darkness

Created by Mark Compton

Torn between the dimensions of light and darkness, a hero reluctantly battles a technological abomination bent on world domination.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Home Stretch!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 03:44:23 AM

Hey everyone! 

Just wanted to drop a quick update to you all as we move into the second half of the campaign....

Jay (writer) and I are going through the second round of the script for issue two. We discussed some really interesting twists for our reluctant heroine Draculangela, and will be continuing the conversation in the next few days, with a target to get it over to Carlos for preliminary layouts/illustration before the end of the month at the latest. Certainly, our goal here is to continue the momentum that has built up with all of your tremendous pledges, and the growing word of mouth that is spreading on social media about Draculangela as a mainstay character that we will build a strong foundation upon.  We want to be able to provide you with a consistent series of efforts that will keep you in tune with this narrative without having to wait extended periods of time for new chapters.

We aren't going to get too far ahead of ourselves, and will make the Draculangela saga one that we hope will continually entice you as we progress. It's remarkable how inspiring your support has sparked an even greater flame within our team. New characters are already in the mix for the world we are unveiling. We trust that our talented group of creatives are up to the task to throw some awesome art and storylines at you, so strap yourselves in for the ride, and again, we can't thank you enough for this opportunity! 


Mark C. 

P.S... Gemini mailers already ordered, along with bags and backers! Feel free to help us make our production team work overtime by continuing to spread the word about Draculangela, and to surpass that next stretch goal level of an amazing $10,000+ inaugural campaign!

about 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 06:54:59 AM

We are speechless at the support Draculangela is receiving for her Debut release into the comic universe! I will never stop saying thank you to all who have backed the campaign and shared on social media! 


We woke up to the campaign hitting the next stretch goal for the FREE bookmark to be added to every physical order, so on to the next one! I'll be posting that shortly! 

Thanks again everyone for what is turning into an army of Draculangela's Disciples! 

A quick update...Jay already put the script for the second issue in my hands, so I will be working with him on getting it finalized to be able to forward that one into Carlos for illustrating by end of the month. We already have one cover for issue 2 completed (it's freaking awesome), and have secured two additional covers from our family of talented artists already!

Please have a safe any happy holiday weekend with friends and family!


Mark C.

Well That Was Fast! THANK YOU!!!!!
about 3 years ago – Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 04:23:30 PM

DRACULANGELA #1 IS FUNDED!!! Thank you all so much for getting us so far so quickly!

NOW FOR SOME FREE STUFF! *We'll be adding more stretch goals the further we get...

There's more push goals in store for when these unlock! You have already done so much, but please feel free to share the campaign with other comic lovers to unlock more!


Again, on behalf of myself, and my incredibly talented team of writers/designers/artists, THANKS for helping to make this book a reality. We appreciate the faith you have put in us and we promise to provide the best quality product we can!


Mark Compton

Markus Publishing